Meril Cardiac Surgery

Meril Cardiac Surgery offers a comprehensive range of advanced medical solutions, including Cardiac Heart Valves, IABP Catheter Kits, Bovine Pericardium Patches, ePTFE Cardiovascular Patches, and Intra-Coronary Stents, designed to support and enhance heart surgery procedures with superior quality and precision.

Cardiac Heart Valves

Cardiac Heart Valve are critical components in the heart that regulate blood flow between its chambers and into major arteries. These valves ensure that blood flows in one direction, preventing any backflow. Our range of Cardiac Heart Valve includes Bovine Pericardium Tissue Heart Valves and Mechanical Bi-leaflet Heart Valve.

IABP Catheter Kit

The MYOSIST Intra-Aortic Balloon Catheter Kit (8F) provides hemodynamic support for patients with Cardiogenic Shock, during CABG, and unstable infarction, improving cardiac output and perfusion to stabilize critically ill patients.

Bovine Percardium Patch

PeriTi™ Plus Bovine Pericardium Patch comprises of a rectangular or circular patch of bovine pericardium that has been treated with Anticalcification treatment and the pericardium is stored in a buffered glutaraldehyde solution.

ePTFE Cardio Vascular Patch

The expanded PTFE (ePTFE) Cardiovascular Patch is constructed from expanded polytetrafluoroethylene. The patch is designed to resist aneurysmal dilation and optimize tissue in-growth. These patches are provided in wide variety of shapes and sizes.

Intra-Coronary Stunt

The NAUTICA™ Intracoronary Shunt is specially designed to provide a bloodless operative field during vessel anastomosis procedure. The simple yet effective design temporarily allows the blood flow towards the distal by-pass route from anastomotic…